Faneuil Hall Dental Associates

Invisalign Queries? We've Got You Covered | Invisalign treatment in Boston

Invisalign Queries? We've Got You Covered | Invisalign treatment in Boston

Are you considering Invisalign to transform your smile? Before you take the plunge, it's essential to have all your questions answered. In this post, we dive into the most common FAQs about Invisalign, providing you with valuable insights to make an informed decision on your journey to a straighter, healthier smile.

Invisalign 101: Your Questions, Our Expert Answers

Q1: What is Invisalign? 

Invisalign is a clear aligner orthodontic treatment to straighten teeth.

Q2: How does Invisalign work? 

Invisalign uses custom-made clear aligners to gradually move teeth into the desired position.

Q3: Are Invisalign aligners visible when worn? 

Invisalign aligners are barely visible from a short distance since they are clear.

Q4: How long does Invisalign treatment take? 

The duration varies, but it usually takes 6 to 18 months.

Q5: Can I remove Invisalign aligners while eating? 

Yes, Invisalign aligners are removable, allowing you to eat without restrictions.

Q6: Is Invisalign painful? 

Invisalign may cause slight discomfort as teeth shift, but it's not usually painful.

Q7: How often should I wear Invisalign aligners?

Wear them 20-22 hours a day, remove them when eating, drinking hot liquids, brushing and flossing your teeth.

Q8: Can Invisalign fix overcrowded teeth? 

Yes, Invisalign can address overcrowded teeth.

Q9: Is Invisalign suitable for teens? 

Yes, Invisalign offers options for teen orthodontic treatment.

Q10: Can I drink hot beverages with Invisalign aligners in? 

It is best to remove aligners when consuming hot drinks.

Q11: What is the cost of Invisalign treatment? 

Invisalign costs vary based on the complexity but generally ranges from $2,800 to $8,000+.

Q12: Can I play sports with Invisalign aligners? 

Yes, you can play sports, but it's recommended to wear a mouthguard.

Q13: How do I clean my Invisalign aligners?

Clean with running water, and if the stains persist, use a very soft toothbrush.

Q14: Can Invisalign fix gaps between teeth? 

Yes, Invisalign can close gaps between teeth.

Q15: Can I chew gum while wearing Invisalign aligners? 

No, it's best to remove aligners before chewing gum.

Q16: Can I undergo Invisalign treatment if I have dental crowns? 

Invisalign can work with dental crowns, but consult your dentist for personalized advice.

Q17: How often do I need to visit the dentist during Invisalign treatment? 

Regular check-ups and selfies you send to your dentist every 1-2 months is typical during Invisalign treatment.

Q18: Can Invisalign fix an overbite? 

Yes, Invisalign can address overbite issues.

Q19: Can I get Invisalign if I have TMJ or jaw pain? 

A19: Invisalign can be suitable for TMJ cases, but consult your dentist for proper evaluation.

Q20: What is the minimum age for Invisalign treatment?

 Invisalign is recommended for teens and adults with mature teeth. It can also be used for younger children to avoid crossbite

Q21: Can I use aligner chewies with Invisalign? 

Yes, aligner chewies can help seat aligners correctly.

Q22: Can I smoke while wearing Invisalign aligners? 

Smoking is not recommended while wearing aligners.

Q23: Can I get Invisalign if I have a bridge or dental implant? 

Invisalign can work with bridges or dental implants, but consult your dentist for advice.

Q24: Can I eat with my Invisalign aligners in? 

It's best to remove aligners before eating.

Q25: Can Invisalign fix underbite issues? 

Invisalign can address certain underbite cases.

Q26: How do I store Invisalign aligners when not wearing them? 

Store them in the provided case to avoid loss or damage.

Q27: Can I drink cold beverages with Invisalign aligners in? 

Yes, you can drink cold beverages with aligners in place.

Q28: Will Invisalign affect my speech? 

Invisalign may have a minor effect on speech initially, but most people adapt quickly.

Q29: How do I handle aligner discomfort? 

Discomfort is normal; over-the-counter pain relievers can help.

Q30: Can Invisalign fix crossbite issues? 

Invisalign can correct certain crossbite cases, but not all.

Q31: Can I use denture cleaner to clean my Invisalign aligners? 

No, denture cleaners are not recommended for cleaning Invisalign aligners. Use a soft toothbrush and water instead.

Q32: How often should I change to a new set of Invisalign aligners?

Change to a new set of aligners approximately every two weeks as directed by your Invisalign provider.

Q33: Can I get Invisalign if I have gum disease or other dental issues? 

Invisalign treatment may not be suitable if you have gum disease or other significant dental issues. Consult your dentist for evaluation.

Q34: Can I switch to a different Invisalign provider during treatment? 

It's generally recommended to stick with the same Invisalign provider throughout your treatment for consistency.

Q35: Can I get Invisalign treatment if I have a tongue or lip piercing? 

Having a tongue or lip piercing should not prevent you from getting Invisalign treatment. Remove the piercings when wearing aligners.

Q36: Can I drink hot beverages while wearing Invisalign aligners? 

It's best to remove aligners before consuming hot beverages to avoid damage.

Q37: What is the difference between Invisalign and traditional braces? 

Invisalign uses clear aligners, while traditional braces use metal brackets and wires for teeth straightening.

Q38: How do I clean my Invisalign aligners when I'm not at home? 

Rinse your aligners with water and put them back in their case until you can clean them properly.

Q39: Can I get Invisalign if I have a dental crown on a front tooth? 

Invisalign can work with dental crowns, but consult your dentist to ensure compatibility.

Q40: How should I handle aligner staining or discoloration? 

To prevent staining, avoid consuming dark-colored foods and drinks while wearing aligners.

Q41: Are there age restrictions for Invisalign? 

Invisalign is suitable for both teenagers and adults with mature teeth.

Q42: Can I use whitening toothpaste on my Invisalign aligners? 

It's best to avoid using whitening toothpaste, as it may be abrasive and damage the aligners' appearance.

Q43: How do I keep my Invisalign aligners ordor-free? 

Rinse your aligners with water and clean them regularly to avoid ordor.

Q44: Can I undergo Invisalign treatment if I have a bridge or dental implant? 

Invisalign can work with bridges or dental implants, but consult your dentist for personalized advice.

Q45: Can I eat or drink anything besides water with Invisalign aligners in? 

It's best to remove aligners when consuming any food or drink besides water.

Q46: Can I get Invisalign if I have a dental filling?

Invisalign can work with dental fillings, but consult your dentist to ensure compatibility.

Q47: Can I use aligner chewies with Invisalign to help with alignment? 

Yes, aligner chewies can aid in seating aligners correctly.

Q48: Can I get Invisalign if I have wisdom teeth? 

Invisalign can work with wisdom teeth, but your dentist will assess their impact on treatment.

Q49: Can I travel with Invisalign aligners? 

Yes, traveling with Invisalign aligners is convenient, but ensure you have a case to store them when not wearing them.

Q50: Can I use a water flosser with Invisalign? 

Water flossers can be used alongside Invisalign, but regular flossing is also essential for optimal oral hygiene.

At Faneuil Hall Dental, located in the heart of Boston, our primary mission is to keep you smiling with exceptional service and top-tier dental care. Your journey to a confident smile begins right here in Boston's historic Faneuil Hall area, where we are dedicated to providing you with the finest dental treatments and a warm, welcoming experience.